Congratulations to Dr. Jill Stein and Cheri Honkala for winning the presidential candidacy for the Green Party of the United States.
They represent the only political party:
-That would Not have signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)-HR 1540 on bill that is against the Constitution, which guarantees the right to freedom of needing evidence for arrest and the right to an appropriate time for a trial if arrested (Pres. Obama signed & Romney said he would)
-Do Not Accept Corporate Funds
They have a comprehensive 10 Key Value foundation and Platform.
Dr. Stein's New Green Deal consists of 4 Parts:
1. Strengthen Democracy- End prisons of profit and torture, especially those cleared yrs. ago+
2. Reverse Cycle of Abusive Economics and 1% Corporate Control +
3. Transition to Sustainable Environment, including the supporting of geo-thermal provisions+
4. Care for the people by ending expensive 3% Wasted Bureaucratic paperwork & implement Medicare for All+
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
LONGMONT ROAR is meeting with the Longmont City Council tonight, July 17th @ 7:00. They have been working non stop at collecting signatures on a petition to ban fracking in their city. But tonight they need everyone that cares about having clean uncontaminated water, soil and air at the City Council meeting. Come early and sign up to speak, if you don't want to speak, please give your time to someone else.
There should be a caution sign with the house that says: Caution Water May Be Harmful to Your Health.
City of Longmont
350 Kimbark Street
350 Kimbark Street
Longmont, CO 80501 USA
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives in Colorado District 2: Pres. Obama, Romney & Republican-Democrats Vote Ag...
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives in Colorado District 2: Pres. Obama, Romney & Republican-Democrats Vote Ag...: Break the Cycle of Abuse & VOTE for the GREEN PARTY with Dr. Jill Stein for Pres. & the following for the U.S. House: Gary Swing Dist. 1,...
Pres. Obama, Romney & Republican-Democrats Vote Against Rights in the Constitution
Break the Cycle of Abuse & VOTE for the GREEN PARTY with Dr. Jill Stein for Pres. & the following for the U.S. House: Gary Swing Dist. 1, Susan Hall Dist 2, Misha Luzov Dist 5
The NDAA ( - HR 1540) allows for the taking away of U.S. & everyone in the world's right to freedom of speech, the need for evidence in arrest, trials, and sentencing and yet most of the people I meet don't even know about it.
Some people I have told, say Pres. Obama must be doing the following things because he is held as a hostage; if so the citizens are also being held hostage. Yes, Mr. Romney is just as bad since he too said he would sign the bill.-
Obama has done the following:
Signed NDAA, Romney said he would sign it (I think this is the source -but my speakers are not working
All but 13 Senators voted for it, Equal numbers of Republican & Democrats
The Independent Senator Sanders did not sign the NDAA
-Pres. Obama said he would do away with Pres. Bush's unjust, biased military trials and 2 months after his election he supported a military trial for the Canadian Omar Khadr who had been in prison since he was 15 yrs. old, and then was sentenced to a year of solitary confinement & even now that he has served it, is not released
-Pres. Obama purposely excluded representatives of the Single Payer healthcare in initial discussions of healthcare plans
-Pres. Obama has supported Pres. Bush's military violence in the Middle East, including killing innocent people in Yemen & then having at least one man imprisoned for reporting it. He also called the Yemen leader & the journalist Shaye that had the pictures was beat & imprisoned ( reported by Jeremy Scahill).
-Pres. Obama has not only stood by Pres. Bush, by not speaking about Pres. Bush's believe in water boarding of people everyday for 6 months, but had Pvt. Manning tortured himself, by keeping him naked for almost a year.
The NDAA ( - HR 1540) allows for the taking away of U.S. & everyone in the world's right to freedom of speech, the need for evidence in arrest, trials, and sentencing and yet most of the people I meet don't even know about it.
Some people I have told, say Pres. Obama must be doing the following things because he is held as a hostage; if so the citizens are also being held hostage. Yes, Mr. Romney is just as bad since he too said he would sign the bill.-
Obama has done the following:
Signed NDAA, Romney said he would sign it (I think this is the source -but my speakers are not working
All but 13 Senators voted for it, Equal numbers of Republican & Democrats
The Independent Senator Sanders did not sign the NDAA
-Pres. Obama said he would do away with Pres. Bush's unjust, biased military trials and 2 months after his election he supported a military trial for the Canadian Omar Khadr who had been in prison since he was 15 yrs. old, and then was sentenced to a year of solitary confinement & even now that he has served it, is not released
-Pres. Obama purposely excluded representatives of the Single Payer healthcare in initial discussions of healthcare plans
-Pres. Obama has supported Pres. Bush's military violence in the Middle East, including killing innocent people in Yemen & then having at least one man imprisoned for reporting it. He also called the Yemen leader & the journalist Shaye that had the pictures was beat & imprisoned ( reported by Jeremy Scahill).
-Pres. Obama has not only stood by Pres. Bush, by not speaking about Pres. Bush's believe in water boarding of people everyday for 6 months, but had Pvt. Manning tortured himself, by keeping him naked for almost a year.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
To the People in U.S. House District 2 @ the GREEN - Red, White, & Blue Celebration on the 4th of July,
1st I would like to extend my sympathies and concerns
toward those who have been impacted by the Colorado fires and can only hope
that those who have been impacted by the fires will find the support and
assistance they need. I understand
that the Red Cross has been available to those who might need help and KGNU has
reported that Denver’s Larimer Lounge will be hosting a benefit for those
people needing assistance due to the fires on July 13th.
name is Susan Hall and I’m the Green Party of Colorado’s candidate for U.S.
House of Rep. Dist. 2. I am a
native of Colorado, born here, my grandmother was raised a ranch, which was homestead land. My father sold artifacts from the Native Americans in the U.S.
and Mexico. I went to Kindergarten
in Golden, and then the rest of my education I received in Denver, including my
teacher’s license and my major in Chicano Studies.
Next I’ld like to
Thank you for inviting me to this Green - Red, White & Blue celebration. I appreciate the Poudre Valley Green
Party’s work in planning it, Avogadro's Number, here in Ft. Collins for having us, those presenting music and the Green
Giant winners.
I would
also like to say how glad I am to view all the smiling faces that are here,
both those that are regulars and those like Tanya Ishikawa from the Federal
Heights City Council-and the Adams/Jeffco Greens chapter.
recently had the honor of speaking to our Green Presidential candidate, Dr.
Jill Stein. Dr. Stein informed
Tanya that Colorado raised enough donations to qualify for Federal
Matching Funds;
Green Party
members are proud of the fact that we do not take corporate funding and
therefore are completely dedicated to working for the public.
I would like to talk about an issue on one of the most substantial and up to date media programs on
world news, Democracy Now. They reported this week how the severity of
events caused by the weather are linked to global Warming. Documentation on the program reveals how some of the media and other groups have worked to cause the public to disbelieve what the scientists were reporting and they have even had plans to and cause school students to distrust the scientist warnings about Global Warming.
The Green Party has been out front in the campaign to reveal the truth
and start to curtail elements that make global warming even worse and to provide creative
alternatives for unsustainable policies and products.
The Green Party began as an alliance between environmental
activists and Peace activists. It has leading many campaigns to
direct non-violent solutions and supporting organizations other organizations that align with the same values. We
have worked at rallying toward continuing to press for securing individual
rights to liberty and justice for all rather than to allowing it to become more
vulnerable in challenging events.
This week Amnesty International reported that the U.N. is working on a
treaty that will regulate the sale of large-scale weapons distributions. Please do not be distracted into
thinking the Green Party wants to take away a few personal guns. This is about mass numbers of
machineguns, drones and bombs. The
treaty would be the best step toward helping Syria, so that the conflict does
not escalate. Though it is
reported that the country has a number of torture sites, the U.S. needs to take
responsibility for the torture sites it has had and especially those it still tortures in today, before intervening in another
country. The Bible sometimes works
to provide good quotes the quote or scripture here that would be appropriate is
for the U.S. gov. leaders to take the log out of our own eyes before removing
the needle from another’s.
U.S. incarceration policies will begin the first change now that the supreme ct
made the ruling there will be no more mandatory life sentences for minors. I hope this ruling is also for the juveniles the U.S. holds captive in it's other sites around the world, including Guantanamo, Cuba. It is a very sad thing to thing of money before human lives, but not only is it morally wrong to to disregard human rights, the Geneva Convention, but is also expensive and takes funds from where they need to be for the people to other places where they should not be allowed to go. As the Green Candidate for this
district I will be working to have our taxes kept in the U.S. to provide for
the needs of it’s citizens and laborers in positive ways, like Medicare for All
and not for mass, inhumane prisons for profit here or in
other countries as reported this last week. The U.S. has had a site in
Poland as well as the familiar concentration camp in Cuba were 22 children have
been held. One had been held till he reached adulthood and then suffocated without even
an investigation. It is also time
to legalize cannabis, and recognize that it is what the people of this generation want. We need to allow the creation of new products from Cannabis and Hemp and stop using it as tool to create division that harms individuals with health issues, emotional issues and prefer the effects of cannabis over alcohol or other addictive and expensive pharmaceutical drugs.
As for those on drugs like heroin, Canada has shown that there is more help for people when they are treated with care and treatment than prison and a lack of concern for their humanity.
It appears that there
is an every growing awareness and knowledge by the public about who is telling the
truth and who is interested in increasing their own profits even through
lies. We all know that sharing results in a greater since of peace,
security and community; whereas the pyramid of profit becomes a synareeo of the
servant surviving and competing against the tyrant. People are wanting their taxes kept in their own
countries where they can share and connect with the needs of their neighbors, rather than having to endure austerity to pay for war. We are becoming aware of a need to be creating new sustainable practices, which they should be subsidized. Even my daughter and her family have
been creating sustainable provisions in the homes they have had built in
Denver. Thus the subsidies on
monopolized corporations, and big failing banks need to forfeit, they are out
of date, and failing; it’s time the old giant powerful and harmful corporate subsides are ended and small, caring and sustainable business receive new subsides. .
Global warming, violence and contaminations are affecting
everyone in the world and the Green Party stands with appreciation for those
protesting the things that make it worse. We stand with those in Japan who are protesting the start up of a nuclear plant in Japan after it has just
experienced a meltdown and then the journalist Greg Palast reported that the
engineers who designed the failed part of the nuclear plant in Japan had lied
about the results from the part being tested. According to the spokesperson on Democracy Now there are going to be over a million cases of cancer in this generation caused by the radiation from the nuclear plant melt-down. We stand with the organizations
that fights those who have made pacts with the media to lie about the global warming, block out truths and news-even about the candidates running for
office. We stand against the Fracking that is destroying our millions of
gallons of needed water for drinking, planting food and providing for
wildlife-nature-recreation environments and the natural water cycle for all of
the earth.
I and Green Party members are concerned with the lack of peace that is being found in the world and how so
many people have and are experiencing abuse through wars and it is time to stop
the cycle of abuse. This abuse is can be changed by not voting in the SAME way for the same people. I encourage you to Vote for myself and
Green Party candidates and we will with you who are coming to the forefront
recognizing the truth work toward peace. Again thank you for having me and please consider donating
funds and time to my campaign. My
lovable husband, Tom, is my campaign manager and he has envelopes to write down
your employer & address, since we document where funds come from in our
campaign. Please to volunteer. We also have a limited number of yard
signs & would appreciate donations toward more signs.
I like to make sure I talk about what is written on my fliers when I
hand them out, especially how there were equal numbers of Republican and
Democratic senators that signed the NDAA and what that bill states it will
allow the Pres. to hold anyone he wants without allowing a trial. It also has the web address for anyone
who would like to vote on line. I do also encourage everyone to look up the bills on thomas gov. The NDAA is HR 1540, which my opponent Rep. Polis did not sign, but he did sign the sanctions against Iran HR 740 as well as HR347 against protesting and free speech.
Let’s All have some fun and a great evening; I’m looking forward
to a drink, music and the Green Giant awards.
Thank you
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Radio 1190 Interview
It will be this evening from about 6:20 to 7:00. Hope your are listening & can add your comments. Thanks already to Juiana for everything, Tom for support, Michelle & Owen for back up, & to Green Candidate for U.S. House in Colorado's Dist 1, Gary Swing for his information and humor.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
By June 30th: Green Party candidates do not take corporate funds. The federal government will match funds from Colorado if our Green Party presidential candidate, Dr. Jill Stein, receives $5,000.00 by June 30th. She needs everyone to donate today.
Please donate what you can today, everything helps.
Please give @
Please donate what you can today, everything helps.
Please give @
Amanda with Susan Hall visiting sites and businesses in the great Colorado District 2. This picture is taken in Summit County. One of the Green Party's 10 Key value's is that of Ecological Wisdom.
Human societies must operate with the understanding that we are part of nature. It is important that we maintain an ecological balance and live within the ecological and resource limits of our communities and our planet.
Susan Hall and others have been working on petitions that will assure the oil/gas companies will return the 2 million gallons of water per well (X 146,000 wells in Colorado) back to the Colorado people in a usable state for the public, natural wild life areas, farmers, and next generations, since the toxins they add like Benzene can cause the water to never return to the natural water cycle.
Human societies must operate with the understanding that we are part of nature. It is important that we maintain an ecological balance and live within the ecological and resource limits of our communities and our planet.
Susan Hall and others have been working on petitions that will assure the oil/gas companies will return the 2 million gallons of water per well (X 146,000 wells in Colorado) back to the Colorado people in a usable state for the public, natural wild life areas, farmers, and next generations, since the toxins they add like Benzene can cause the water to never return to the natural water cycle.
Green Party candidates do not take corporate funds. The federal government will match funds from Colorado if our Green Party presidential candidate, Dr. Jill Stein, receives $5,000.00 by June 30th. She needs everyone to donate today.
Please donate what you can today, everything helps. Please give @
Please donate what you can today, everything helps. Please give @
Friday, June 22, 2012
My name is Susan Hall. I was born in Denver and my grandmother's family homesteaded in the Colorado mountains. My husband, Tom Hall, is also from Colorado. We have been married over 30 years and enjoy having 3 children and 4 grandchildren. I have been a teacher and also have a major in Chicano Studies and a minor in history. I am honored to be a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in Colorado District 2 and am anxious to meet the people of my district as well as to share some of the important concerns the people have already revealed to me. I have been involved in a number of organizations and issues in Colorado and always appreciate how those who live in this beautiful state are aware of their need to be responsible and involved in their government. In November Congressional District 2 will include the following 10 counties: Broomfield (where I live), Boulder, Larimer, Grand, Eagle, Summit, Park, Clear Creek, Gilpin, and Jefferson. District 2 appears to be made up of a diverse geographical area. I have and will continue to enjoy visiting the people, businesses and sites in all of these counties. While I visit the counties I enjoy sharing my fliers that list some of my concerns.
Of course I am extremely concerned that an equal number of Democrat and Republican senators signed a bill that was completely against our U.S. Constitution's mandate for all citizens to retain the right of freedom of speech and the right to a speedy and public trial. Not only did an equal numbers of Republican and Democrats sign this bill, but the current U.S. president also signed the bill. This has led to a number of greatly respected, educated, and informed spokespersons to sue over the bill which is called the National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA. Among the names of those who have worked against this unconstitutional bill is Dr. Cornel West who has been a supporter of MLK, philosopher, author, critic, actor, civil rights activist, Glenn Greenwald known as a Constitutional law attorney and political and legal blogger for Avram Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, activist Institute Professor, and Pentagon Papers whistle-blower Daniel Ellsberg as well as a number of other informed and caring citizens. There were only 13 senators who did not sign this bill, among those were the independent Vermont Senator, Bernie Sanders. I certainly believe if the good charactered and unpaid by Special Interest groups or corporations, candidates of the Green Party had been elected they would have joined Senator Sanders and NOT voted for the NDAA. Not only do the Green Party candidates NOT accept Special Interest Money, but they have a list of 10 Key Values that provide them with a foundation and goal for their service as officials.
The Ten Key Values of the Green Party are found on the website of the Green Party of Colorado, The Green Party of Colorado's Resolutions reveal many important aspects of the issues focused on today ( I am excited about being a part of the Green Party and would love to have others join me in my endeavor to be the U.S. House of Representative in Colorado D2, who will work for the public, not accept Special Interest Money, and work toward protecting natural resources, labor and liberty for ALL.
If I am elected as the U.S. House of Representative to District 2, I will not accept the Healthcare provision until others in Colorado know their health will be a priority too. I believe it would be beneficial to have a 1% tax increase on the top 4% of the wealthiest incomes to provide the funds for a Colorado Healthcare Co-op. I also believe it is time to STOP the Frack beside schools and pools. It is absolutely time to end the war on terror, stop the terrorizing of cleared prisoners, or in making profits in harming vulnerable people; bring home our soldiers and provide subsidies to small businesses and let them and other unemployed creative workers begin to produce sustainable organic, goods and services. For those out there who would like to join me in keeping and making this world and Colorado the best it can be, you can reach me at
Of course I am extremely concerned that an equal number of Democrat and Republican senators signed a bill that was completely against our U.S. Constitution's mandate for all citizens to retain the right of freedom of speech and the right to a speedy and public trial. Not only did an equal numbers of Republican and Democrats sign this bill, but the current U.S. president also signed the bill. This has led to a number of greatly respected, educated, and informed spokespersons to sue over the bill which is called the National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA. Among the names of those who have worked against this unconstitutional bill is Dr. Cornel West who has been a supporter of MLK, philosopher, author, critic, actor, civil rights activist, Glenn Greenwald known as a Constitutional law attorney and political and legal blogger for Avram Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, activist Institute Professor, and Pentagon Papers whistle-blower Daniel Ellsberg as well as a number of other informed and caring citizens. There were only 13 senators who did not sign this bill, among those were the independent Vermont Senator, Bernie Sanders. I certainly believe if the good charactered and unpaid by Special Interest groups or corporations, candidates of the Green Party had been elected they would have joined Senator Sanders and NOT voted for the NDAA. Not only do the Green Party candidates NOT accept Special Interest Money, but they have a list of 10 Key Values that provide them with a foundation and goal for their service as officials.
The Ten Key Values of the Green Party are found on the website of the Green Party of Colorado, The Green Party of Colorado's Resolutions reveal many important aspects of the issues focused on today ( I am excited about being a part of the Green Party and would love to have others join me in my endeavor to be the U.S. House of Representative in Colorado D2, who will work for the public, not accept Special Interest Money, and work toward protecting natural resources, labor and liberty for ALL.
If I am elected as the U.S. House of Representative to District 2, I will not accept the Healthcare provision until others in Colorado know their health will be a priority too. I believe it would be beneficial to have a 1% tax increase on the top 4% of the wealthiest incomes to provide the funds for a Colorado Healthcare Co-op. I also believe it is time to STOP the Frack beside schools and pools. It is absolutely time to end the war on terror, stop the terrorizing of cleared prisoners, or in making profits in harming vulnerable people; bring home our soldiers and provide subsidies to small businesses and let them and other unemployed creative workers begin to produce sustainable organic, goods and services. For those out there who would like to join me in keeping and making this world and Colorado the best it can be, you can reach me at
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